Sunday May 05th, 2024

The token and rewards of the Dofus Lotery

The token !

There are 6 differents token for this lotery.
Each of these token give you access to different rewards !
You get token when you suscribe for a membership to Dofus (for the launching of the lotery, the current membership of players is taken to decide which token you have).

Here are the 6 differents token you can get !

The token Goultard : This token is given when you buy the Manga Dofus Tome 6 !
The token Tofu : This token is given when you suscribe for 1 week to Dofus. Note that all other memberships give you one token Tofu.
The token Wabbit : This token is given when you suscribe for 1 month to Dofus.
The token Roublard : This token is given when you suscribe for 3 months to Dofus.
The token Minotoror : This token is given when you suscribe for 6 months to Dofus.
The token Dragon : This token is given when you suscribe for 1 year to Dofus.

The rewards !

The Goultard token reward :

The Tofu token reward :

The Wabbit token reward :

The Roublard token reward :

The Minotoror token reward :

The Dragon token reward :

As you noticed, all reward list but Goultard and Tofu's ones have the same reward : La patte d'Ecaflip (Ecaflip Paw in english).

This reward is one of the best you can have, the best one being La patte d'Ecaflip parfaite (Perfect Ecaflip Paw).